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Back to the Future Sounds

Attitude.wav (169KB)

Mr. Strickland: “You got a real attitude problem, McFly. You're a slacker. You remind me of your father when he were here, he was a slacker too.”

Blind Spot.wav (720KB)   [Back to Top]

Biff/George: “I can't believe you loaned me a car without telling me it had a blind spot....etc”

Butthead.wav (15.7KB)   [Back to Top]

Biff: “What're you lookin' at, butthead?”

Laugh.wav (336KB)   [Back to Top]

George McFly: “Laughing”

Seriousshit.wav (107KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty eight miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious sh**.”

Einstein.wav (26.5KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “Jesus Christ, Doc, you disintegrated Einstein!”

Tmachine.wav (125KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “Wait a minute, wait a minute Doc! Are you telling me that you built a time machine? Out of a DeLoreon?”

Doc: “The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car why not do it with some style?”

The Flux.wav (441KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “That was the day Iinvented time travel. I remember it vividly. I was standing on a toliet hanging a clock,the porcelene was wet I fell hit my head on the sink, and when I came to, I had a vision arevelation, a picture of this..this is what makes time travel possible”

More Kick.wav (194KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “This is heavy duty doc,this is great. Does it run on unleaded gasoline?”

Doc: “no unfortunately itrequires something with alittle more kick.”

1.21 jigawatts.wav (265KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “Are you telling me this sucker is nuclear?”

Doc: “No keep rolling, this sucker is electrical but I need the nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 jigawatts I need”

Plutonium.wav (413KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “Doc you just don't walkinto a store, and buy plutonium. Did you rip that off?”

Doc: “Yes of course from a group of libyan nationalists. They wanted me to build a bomb but I took their plutonium and made them into pin ball machine parts”

Mr. Sandman.wav (1.03KB)   [Back to Top]

Mr.Sandman: “Mr.Sandman clip”

Jumpship.wav (198KB)   [Back to Top]

Lou: “Hey kid What did you do? Jump ship?”

Marty: “What?”

Lou: “What's with the life preserver?”

Marty: “I just wanna use the phone.”

Lou: “Yeah, it's in the back.”

Tab.wav (96.8KB)   [Back to Top]

Lou: “Are you gonna order something kid?”

Marty: “Uh, yeah gimme Tab.”

Lou: “Tab? I can't give you a tab unless you order something.”

Marty: “Alright, gimme a Pepsi Free.”

Lou: “You want a Pepsi pal you're gonna pay for it!”

ThinkMcfly.wav (42.4KB)   [Back to Top]

Biff: “Hello, hello, anybody home, huh? Think McFly, think!”

Safe.wav (37.7KB)   [Back to Top]

Lorraine: “Safe and sound now, back in good old 1955.”

Pants.wav (53.8KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “Where are my pants?”

Lorraine: “Over there, on my hope chest.”

Idiot.wav (83.6KB)   [Back to Top]

Mrs. Baines: “He's a very strange boy”

Mr. Baines: “He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. His parents are probably idiots too.”

1.21.wav (107KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “One point twenty-one jigawatts! Great scott!”

Marty: “What the he** is a jigawatt?”

Sndgback.wav (57.9KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “Next Saturday night, we're sending you back... to the future!”

Maketree.wav (36.7KB)   [Back to Top]

Biff: “So why don't you make like a tree, and get outta here.”

Brain.wav (68.9KB)   [Back to Top]

George: “Last night Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out, then he'd melt my brain.”

Milk.wav (125KB)   [Back to Top]

George: “Give me a milk...........chocolate.”

Swear.wav (45.8KB)   [Back to Top]

George: “Do you really think I oughta swear?”

Marty: “Yes, definitely goddamn it, George, swear.”

Great Scott.wav (41.0KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “Great Scott”


Back to the Future II Sounds

Road.wav (75.0KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads.”

Physical.wav (19.2KB)   [Back to Top]

Griff: “Let's hear the right answer.”

Griff: “Well, since when did you become the physical type?”

Marty: “The answer's no Griff.”

Griff: “No?”

Marty: “Yea, what are you deaf and stupid I said NO!”

Water.wav (19.2KB)   [Back to Top]

Data: “McFly you Bojo! Those boards don't work on water.”

Whitey: “Unless you've got power.”

Batter Up.wav (41.0KB)   [Back to Top]

Griff: “Batter up!”

Flying DeLorean.wav (194KB)   [Back to Top]

Biff: “Flying deloreon? I haven't seen one of those in . . thirty years.”

Walking.wav (64.8KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty McFly Jr.: “Hey, Hey I'm walking here! I'm walking here!!!”

Scenery Channel.wav (93.3KB)   [Back to Top]

Screen: “Scenery Channel”

Mom.wav (32.1KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “Mom? Mom, that can't be you!”

Lorraine: “Well, uh, yes it's me, Marty. Are you all right?”

Marty: “I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just that you're so, you're so, big!”

Eat Lead.wav (8.55KB)   [Back to Top]

Mr. Strickland: “Eat lead, Slackers!!!”

Homework.wav (278KB)   [Back to Top]

Mr. Strickland: “And what have we here? Sports statistics, interesting subject. Homework Tannen?”

Biff: “No, it ain't homework 'cause, uh, I ain't at home.”

Sent Future.wav (532KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “I know, you just sent me back, but I'm back...I'm back from the future.”

Doc: “Great scott!”


Back to the Future III Sounds

Howdytime.wav (100KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc's TV: “Hey kids what time is it?”

Doc's TV: “Howdy Doody Time?”

Sent Letter.wav (344KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “1885, It's a very interesting story future boy! But...there is just on little thing that just doesn't make sense. If the me in the future is now in the past how could you possibly know about it.”

Marty: “You sent me a letter .”

Doc 1955.wav (1.00KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “I will look on you with fond memories warm feeelings and a special place in my heart. You're friend in time, doc Emmet L Brown. I never knew I could write anything so touching.”

Marty: “I know Doc It's beautiful.”

Doc: “It's okay Capernicus everything will be all right.”

Dark Ages.wav (28.6KB)   [Back to Top]

Marty: “It's all my fault your stuck back there, I never should have let Biff get to me.”

Doc: “There are plenty of worse places to be stuck, I might have ended up in the dark ages. They probably would've burned me to the stake as a heretic or something.”

Japan.wav (28.3KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “No wonder this circuit failed it says made in Japan.”

Marty: “What do you mean Doc, all the best stuff is made in Japan.”

Doc: “Unbelievable.”

Future Past.wav (12.6KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “See you in the future.”

Marty: “You mean the past.”

Doc: “Exactly.”

Hurtman.wav (105KB)   [Back to Top]

Seamus McFly: “Maggie fetch some water we got a hurt man here.”

Clint Eastwood.wav (12.6KB)   [Back to Top]

Maggie McFly: “What might your name be sir?”

Marty: “It's Clint uh, Clint, Clint Eastwood?”

Dead Chinese.wav (13.3KB)   [Back to Top]

Old Timer 3: “ Musta got that shirt offen a dead Chinese.”

Name Dude.wav (276KB)   [Back to Top]

Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: “What's your name dude?”

Marty McFly: “Martin...Eastwood, Clint Eastwood”

Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: “What kind of stupid name is that?”

Court.wav (109KB)   [Back to Top]

Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: “We got ourselves a new courthouse, its about time we had a hanging.”

SevenEleven.wav (126KB)   [Back to Top]

Gun Saler: “Where did you learn to shoot like that?”

Marty: “Seven eleven.”

Dude.wav (4.49KB)   [Back to Top]

Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: “What's wrong dude, you yellow?”

Tylonol.wav (56.0KB)   [Back to Top]

Doc: “The thing I really miss here is Tylenol”

Dave.wav (62.2KB)   [Back to Top]

Dave: “Hey Marty who you supposed to be? Clint Eastwood!”